Is your yard infested with moles? It's hard to tell for sure, but you suspect your house might have a mole. Moles are rare indoor animals, but people who notice an odd rodent-like animal may have a mole in their house. There are important differences between these pests and mice. Small, black eyes are common in most mole species, and they are usually hidden under fur. No ears are visible, and their forefeet are pronounced. Over the last few days, you have noticed molehills in your yard and something moving around under your countertops. When it goes out of hand, pest control exterminators will save your life! You know you want to get rid of the little guy, but you’re also wondering: do moles carry diseases? Are moles dangerous to human beings? This is why you should keep reading.

Are Moles dangerous to Humans?

Moles are not that dangerous to humans. However, they are dangerous to lawns and encroaching landscapes. They can cause significant and costly damage to the root system of grasses and houseplants where they built their tunnel or forage. Although shy pests may bite if cornered, touched, or caught, they can transmit rabies to humans. Hiring a Pest control exterminator will prevent your yard to become trash and protect your health. However, the insect parasites they carry are a cause of concern. Ticks are hosts to many diseases, including Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tularemia, Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, and tularemia. Other parasites such as Bartonella and tapeworms can also be transmitted to pets and humans by fleas and ticks.

Can Moles Damage Your Lawn and Yard?

Moles are primarily carnivores, feeding on earthworms, maggots, and other dangerous insect intruders, and their tunneling activity can be problematic, but generally useful. Although the tunnel can cause damage to lawns, gardens, golf courses, and pastures. More annoying than a financial burden, mole activity gives the grass an unsightly brown tint and can even prevent planted vegetation from taking root firmly in place. This little notorious creature might bite if handled by humans. Book your appointment with pest control exterminators and get rid of them.

How to keep Moles out of your home?

Real-life cases of moles in your home are rare, so if you think you have this problem, you should contact a wildlife expert. What looks like baby moles in your home may be pests that need different removal methods, such as Mice or Shrews. Call pest control to identify and remove indoor moles. As you can see, moles can transmit diseases not only to humans, but also to dogs, cats, and other pets. Therefore, if you have a mole in your home, you should get rid of it as soon as possible with professional pest control exterminators. Need help ridding your home of a mole? If so then Envirosafe Solutions is here with the resources and information.

Do Moles remain active during the winter?

Yes! I bet you didn't expect an answer so quickly. Most of the time, a question requires going to the internet and scanning long articles to get the answer. Well, no skimming here. Moles can remain active during winter. The fact is they don't hibernate. With a foot of snow on the ground, it's hard to imagine a mole in action. Because moles live underground, they don’t need to find protection from cold temperatures. You must consider calling a professional pest control exterminator before they cause any serious damage. Once the upper layers of the ground start to freeze, they simply dig deeper underground to warmer places, allowing them to be more active. Also, being insectivores, they will follow their food source, insects, deeper underground. These underground creatures are tough to get rid of. Thorough knowledge of mole habits and experience dealing with these insectivores are both necessary to be successful. It is advised that you take help from pest control exterminators for better results.